Product Specifications
There is an easy-to-use interface so dimension settings are very easy. also it has library and user can save the working plan on the memory of the machine. it can perform different type of tenons at two different working bench so it is providing high amount of output.
Technical Specifications
- Machine Weight : 700 kg
- Machine Dimensions ( W*L *H ) : 1230mm* 1220mm* 1520mm
- Installed Power : 5kW
- Supply Voltage : 3*380 /5 50 Hz
- Air Pressure : 6 Bar
Work Piece Dimensions
- Straight Cut Max : 130mm*100mm
Tenon Dimension
- Tenon Max. Lenght Horizontal : 130 mm
- Tenon Max. Lenght Vertical : 90 mm
- Tenon Depth : 0 mm to 50 mm
- Tenon Degree : 0 to 90 degree
- Approximatelly Productivity : 700 tenons/h
- Category : Drilling and Mortising Machines