Leitz HeliPlan planing cutter
More quality, less chips, shorter cutting time
Disappointing cutting results and poor chip removal during face-milling can have a significant impact on the quality of production processes – for example, when planing slave boards in the Nesting process. With the new HeliPlan planing cutter from Leitz, an almost mark-free surface finish quality can be achieved. Together with efficient chip removal and higher tool speeds, the entire workflow can be optimized. When machining plastics, the HeliPlan planing cutter enables finish cut quality.
Improved finish quality
Finish quality through improved cutting edge and cutting edge geometries
Controlled chip removal due to optimized gullet areas
Surfaces in finish quality when machining thermoplastic plastic panels (Ra < 0,8 μm)
Shorter machining times
Higher tooth and tool feed rates due to optimized cutting edge geometry
Improved productivity through reduced cutting time
Optimized vacuum clamping of the work piece on Nesting machines
Sustainable and cost efficient
4-fold life time through turnblade technology
Disposable carbide cutting inserts
Reusable tool body
- Category : Turn Blades
- Nearly mark-free finish cut quality
- Finish quality in plastics
- Controlled chip removal
- Reduced cutting time due to higher tool feed rate
- Turnblade technology
- 4 cutting edges per knife
- Diameter 80-180 mm
- Applicable for MDF, plastics and solid wood
- Ideally suitable for CNC machining centres
- Available ex stock